by Damodara Rao Dasu

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Edi nee bAhu parAkrama - kApi - Adi

P Edi nee bAhu parAkrama mennALLakennALLu || Oh Sri Rama, let me praise your great valour. Long time back I heard of it.
A.P. Adi dEva nijadAsulaku gana nAsa yunDagA kari varadA|| Oh primordial God, Oh savior of Gajendra, your devotees are eager to know about your heroism.
C 1 karamuna merasE Sara chApamu Akaligona lEdA
mura khara SONita pAnamu bahu dinamulu gAlEdA vAdA ||
Bow and arrows, shining on your hands are perhaps hungry. Long time back your arrows were drenched in the blood of demons Mura and Khara. Is it not true?
C 2 varusa bhoosurula bAdhalu vini rOsamu rAlEdA
moraliDagA yOganiddura nilipi mOmu jooparAdA vAdA ||
Were you not angry to know about the sufferings of pious Brahmanas? When you were in Yoganidra (yogic sleep), did not Devatas disturb you to save them? Why don't you show your divine face now?
C 3 varusa tappu buddhulu neechulaku vachchinadi teliyadA
verapulEka tirigEru chAlanuchu vEgamE Sri tyAgarAja sannuta ||
Don't you know about the evil designs of wicked people? They are least afraid of moving in public. Oh Srirama, Tyagaraja prays to you to put an end to their deeds.