P |
vinanAsa koni yunnAnurA viSvarupuDanE ||
Oh Srirama, I heard that you are the embodiment of universe.
A.P. |
manasAraga veenula vindugA madhuramaina palkula ||
I am yearning to listen to your sweet talk to my heart's contentment.
C |
seetAramaNitO OmanagunTalADi geluchuTa
chEta nokarikokaru choochi sA
kEtAdhipa nijamagu prEmatO balku konna muchchaTa
vAtAtmaja bharatulu vinnaTula tyAgarAja sannuta ||
Oh Srirama, I heard about the great fun you enjoyed while playing "Omanaguntalu" game with your dear Sita and about the fun you had in winning and loosing the game. I also heard that you enjoyed pleasant conversations with her in deep love. Just as Anjaneya and Bharata happily heard about your sweet relationship with your dear Sita, Tyagaraja prays to you to bless him with such happiness.
/ End of song //>