by Damodara Rao Dasu

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evarichchiri -madhyamAvati - Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja wants to know whether Rama descended on the earth with bow and arrows or acquired them later on. He describes the greatness of Rama's arrows giving examples.

P evarichchiri rA Sara chApamulu
nee kinakulAbdhi chandra ||
Who gave you,your bow and arrows? Oh Rama, you are the moon of the ocean like Sun dynasty.
AP avatarinchu vELa nunDenO lEka
avanikEgi ArjinchitivO ||
Did you possess them when you descended on the earth or did you acquire them afterwards ?
C 1 okaTESina padi noorai veyyai
chaka pakalADi Satrula naNachEnaTa
vikaluni kAkini brOva trimoortulu
venuka teesinAraTa sakala nadeepatikai drumakulyula
samharinche naTa prakaTa keerti kalgina
kOdanDa pANi Sri tyAgarAja vinuta ||
Your single arrow multiplies into tens and thousands of arrows.You supressed enemies by showering arrows. Even the trinity Brahma,Vishnu and Mahesa hesitated to help the demon Kakasura. You shot your arrow on the king of seas. Its excessive power destroyed the demons at Drumakulya mountains. Your glory is well known. You are worshipped by Tyagaraja.

ee mEnu kaligi nanduku - varALi - Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja extols the divine power in the name of SitaRama. He exemplifies with the stories of Valmiki,Gajendra,Matsyavataram etc.

P ee mEnu kaliginanduku seetArAma
nAmamE balka valenu ||
Man is blessed with body to chant the name of Sita Rama only.
AP kAmadi durguNa stOma pooritamaina
pAmaratva mE gani nEmamuna lEnaTTi ||
The body is full of evil qualities and material desires.Life is steeped in ignorance and lacks discipine.
C 1 samsAramunu brOva dArini
parahimsa chendu kirAtuDu
hamsa roopula gati naDuga rAmanAma pra
Samsa jEsi upadESimpa dhanyuDu gAdA ||
When a tribal was involved in attrocities against others only to maintain his family, did not Narada preach the merits of Rama's name?Was he not a blessed soul?
C 2 tApasi SApamiDagA jalOraga
roopamu koni yunDagA
tapamu sairinchaka tallaDillaga Sara
chApa dharuni nAma SravaNamu brOva lEdA ||
When a hermit cursed a guilty one to become a crab,he was unable to bear the agony. Was he not saved by hearing the name of Rama?
C 3 kari rAju teliya lEka baluDaina
makari chEta gAsi chendagA
ara lEka nijamuna nAdi moola managa
varaduDu vEgame vachchi brOvaga lEdA
Agama vEdamulanu dAnavuDu
gompOvagA chaturAnanuDu
tyAgarAja nuta tAraka nAma yani
bAguga nutimpa bhayamu deerpaga lEdA ||
When the innocent king of elephants was struggling to save himsef from the clutches of a crocodile ,did not the primordial almighty come to his rescue immediately. When the demon Somaka stole the sacred Vedas and hid under the sea,Brahma chanted the name of the supreme emancipator Sri Maha Vishnu. Did not Vishnu dispel Brahma's fears?

ee vasudha neevanTi -Sahana - Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja praises Sundaresa(Siva) of kovooru saying that no God is equal to him in assuaging the afflictions of devotees and bestowing prosperity.

P ee vasudha neevanTi daivamu nendu gAnarA || I don't find another God equal to you on the earth.
AP bhAvukamu kalgi vardhillu kOvoori
sundarESa gireeSa ||
Oh Sundaresa the lord of kovooru, You flourish well in all auspiciousness.
C 1 ASa chE ara nimushamu nee pura vAsa
monara jEyu vAri madi
vEsaTa lellanu tolaginchi dhana
rAsula nAyuvunu
bhoosura bhakti yu tEjamu nosagi
bhuvana mandu keerti kalga jEsE
dAsa varada tyAgarAja hrudaya
nivAsa chidvilAsa sundarESa ||
Those who visit you even for half a minute are rid off all afflictions.They are bestowed with prosperity,long life,devotion to the learned brahmanas,brilliance and fame. Sundaresa the embodiment of supreme bliss dwells in the heart of the devoted Tyagaraja.

eTlA dorikitivO - vasanta - Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja expresses how fortunate he was to cultivate devotion in Rama He feels that it may be due to the blessing of his elders or due to his music.

P eTlA dorikitivO tana ||ke || Oh Rama, How did I find you?
AP chuTlAgaDiya dOvaku nAdu
paTlAbhimAnamu lEkunDaga ||
I've been going all around to many people,but could not get any love or consolation.
C 1 pAda balamO peddalASeervAda
balamO suswarapu
nAda phalamO tyAgarAja khEda
hara SreenAtha tana||ke ||
It may be due to the power of your feet, it may be due to the blessings of elders or it may be due to my good music. Oh lord of Lakshmi,You dispel Tyagaraja's sorrow.

entabhAgya mO - sAranga - Adi

In this kriti Tyagaraja considers that he was fortunate to be blessed with Rama''s presence and grace in alleviating his sorrow and treating him like the sages of Yore.

P enta bhAgyamO mA pAla galgitivi
evareeDu mujjagamula lO dana ||
How fortunate we are to have you so close to us. Who else is like you in the three worlds.
AP chenta jEri soujanyuDai paliki
chinta bAga tolaginchi brochitivi ||
You have come close to me, you talked very gently, you dispelled all my sorrow and protected.
C 1 munnu mee sameepamuna velayu sa
nmunula nella naNimAdi leelalachE
tinnagAnu pAlana chEsinaTu
nannu gAchitivi tyAgarAja nuta ||
In the past you protected the sages showing your sportive(leela) prowess through miracles. You protected me also in the same manner.

enta vEDu kondu -saraswati manOhari - dESAdi

In this kruti Tyagaraja fondly asks Rama the reason for his indifference. He says that he was happy to have Rama in his conscience always.

P enta vEDu kondu rAghavA || Oh Raghava, how long should I implore for your grace?
AP pantamElarA oh rAghavA || Why are your so adamant?
C 1 chinta deerchuTa kenta mODirA
antarAtma nA chenta rAma nE ||
Why do you exhibit such indifferce in assuaging my agony? Oh Rama, you are always in my conscience.
C 2 chitta mandu ninnu joochu soukhyamE
uttamambanuchu upponguchu
satta mAtramA chAla nammitini
sArvabhouma Sri tyAgarAjanuta ||
I feel hapy to keep keep you in my mind. In fact, I am overwhelmed with such happiness. I strongly believe that your power is omnipresent. Oh emperor Rama, you are worshipped by Tyagaraja.

enduku dayarAdurA - tODi - tripuTa

In this kruti Tyagaraja implores Rama to protect him without any further delay. He tells that he was unable to move with wicked people around him.

P enduku daya rAdu SrirAmachandra nee || Oh Sri Ramachandra, why are you not compassionate?
AP sandaDi yani marachitivO indu lEvO nee || Have you forgotten me because you are busy with others?or are you not here?
C 1 sAreku durvishaya sAra manubhavinchu
vAri chelimi sEya nEraka mEnu
SrirAma sagamAye choochi choochi
neeraja daLa nayana nirmalApa ghana ||
Oh Rama,your eyes are like lotus petals. I am unable to be friendly with people leading a sinful life. Oh Sri Rama,I am reduced to half because of the agony.
C 2 teerani bhava neeradhi yAraDi sairimpa
nEraka bhayamandaga pankaja patra
neeru vita mallADaga iTTi nanu joochi
neeradAbha Sareera nirupama Soora ||
I am unable to bear this endless worldly struggle.I am scared.I am shaky like water drops on a lotus leaf. why don't you pity me? Oh Rama, you shine like a water bearing cloud. You are warrior par excellence.
C 3 jAgEla idi samayamE gAdu chEsitE
Egati paluka vayya SrirAma nee
vEgAni dari lEdayya deena SaraNya
tyAgarAjavinuta tAraka charita. ||
I can not endure any more. Oh Rama,why don't you speak? I've none else to depend upon. You are the only refuge to the distressed.You are known for rescuing devotees. Oh Rama,Tyagaraja worships you.

eTulaina bhakti - sAma - miSra chApu

In this kriti Tyagaraja implores his mind to inculcate devotion to God. He asks his mind not to be carried away by delusion of the world. He even chides his mind for its wavering attitude.

P eTulaina bhakti vachchuTakE yatnamu
sEyavE oh manasA ||
Oh my mind, try to be devotional in any method possible.
AP maTu mAya bhavamunu manadani yenchaka
vaTapatra Sayanuni pAda yugamunandu ||
Don't think that this world of delusion is ours. Have faith in the holy feet of the lord reclining on banyan leaf. (krishna)
C 1 vidyAgarvamu lElE neevavidyA vaSamu gAnElE
khadyOtAnvaya tilakuni puramElE
budhyASuna tOchadElE oh manasA ||
Why are you proud that your are a scholar? Is it not ignorance? Oh mind, why don't you hasten to think of Rama. He is the star of Sun dynasty and is the ruler of Ayodhya.
C 2 rAma nAmamu sEya siggA
kArAdEmi balkavu punTi buggA
bhAmala kaDa dATaku manTE jaggA
pAmara tanuvu namma neerbuggA ||
Are you ashamed of chanting the name of Rama? Is there any boil in your mouth? Why can't you stop thinking of women? Is this not body just a water bubble?
C 3 bhOga bhAgyamu layandu
bhAgavatulugAni pondu rOsi
tyAgarAjavaraduni nee yandu
bAguga dhyAninchu bhava rOga mandu ||
Oh my mind, get rid off attachment to wealth and sensual pleasures. Avoid the company of people who are devoid of devotion to God. Oh my mind, meditate upon Rama, the lord of Tyagaraja. It is the best medicine to cure all the worldly ailments.

ETi YOchanalu - kiranAvali - desAdi

In this kruti Tyagaraja praises Rama's unique quality of sticking to his word and his heroic stature, without retreat.

P ETi yOchanalu chEsEvurA
edurubalku vArevaru lErurA ||
What do you want to do for me? Oh Rama. There is none to talk against you.
AP nOTimATa jArchaga rAdurA
kOTi vElpulalO mETi yaina nee ||
Slip of tongue should not happen. Among millions of gods, you are par excellent.
C 1 menDu SoorulalO venuka teeyavani
renDu mATalADE vADu gADani
anDa kOTla pAlinchE vADani
chanDa mounu lADa ||
The eminent sages say that you are the best hero never knowing retreat, that double talk is not your nature and that you are the sole protector of countless creatures. Oh Rama, Tyagaraja worships you.

E mAnatichchitivO - SahAna - roopakam

In this keertana Tyagaraja wonders at the divine grace of Rama,the bestower of ideal mind,body and spirit but he laments about his fate.

P EmAnatichchtivO EmenchinAvO || Oh Rama,I don't know what you thought about me and what your orders are.
AP nA mATalu vinavO rAmA nA tala vrAlEmO || Why don't you listen to me?
Oh Rama,I don't know what my fate is.
C 1 yaSamAyuvu sadbhaktiyu EkAnta chittamu
suSareera mosangE bhAsura tyAgarAjanuta ||
You are the bestower of fame,longevity,devotion to God, impeccable conscience and good body. You are the radiant Rama that Tyagaraja worships.

ElAvatAra mettu konTivo-sAlaga bhyravi- Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja wants to know the reason for Rama's incarnation. He wants to know whether it is to bless the yogis and Tyagaraja.

P ElAvatAra mettu konTivO
Emi kAraNamu rAmuDi ||
Oh Rama,what is the cause for your incarnation? Why did you incarnate as Rama?
AP alamu sEyuTakA,ayOdhya
palana jEyuTakA,oh rAghava ||
Oh Raghava,is it to wage a war? or is it to rule Ayodhya?
C 1 yOgulanu joochuTakA,bhava
rogulanu brOchuTakA,Sata
rAga ratna mAlikalu rachinchina
tyAgarAjunaku vara mosanguTakA||
Is it to take care of the yogis? or is it to protect the unfortunate ones from the worldly sufferings? or is it to bestow boons to Tyagaraja who adorned Rama with garlands made of hundreds of ragas shininglike precious gems?

enta rAnee enta pOnee-hari kAmbhOji-Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja affirms that it is impossible for him to leave the feet of Rama.He gives examples of Siva,AdiSesha and the sages who took birth in different forms,only to assist and serve Rama.

P enta rAnee enta pOnee nee chinta
viDuva jAla srirAmA ||
Oh Rama,whatever I gain,whatever I lose I can not give up contemplating on you.
AP antakAri nee chenta jEri
hanumantudai koluvalEdA? ||
Did not Siva the annihilator descend himself with the form of Hanumanta to serve you?
C 1 SEshuDu Sivuniki bhooshuDu lakshmaNa
vEshiai velayalEdA?||
Did not AdiSesha the ornament of Siva incarnate as Lakshmana and remain by your side always.
C 2 SishTuDu mouni varishTuDu goppa
vasishTuDu hituDu gA lEDA? ||
Did not eminent and pious Vasishta become your well wisher and counsellor?
C 3 naravara neekai suragaNamulu
vAnarulai koluva lEdA?
AgamAtmamagu nee guNamula
sree tyAgarAju pADaga lEdA? ||
Oh my supreme lord in the human form, did not multitudes of devatas take birth as monkeys and adore you? Did not Tyagaraja sing of your vitues which are the soul of the vedas?

etlA dorikitivO-vasanta-Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja wonders how he found solace from Rama only and says that it may be due to the blessing of his elders or due to the fruits of his soulful music.

P eTlA dorikitivO rAmA tana ke || Oh Rama,I wonder.How did I find you?
AP chuTlAra gaDiya dOvaku nAdu
nAdu patlabhimAnamu lEkunDaga ||
Those who stay just nearby are not favorably disposed towards me.
C 1 pAda mahimO ,peddalASeervAda balamO
suswarapu nAda phalamO tyAgarAja
khEdahara SreenAtha tana ||
Is it because of the greatness of your holy feet? Is it due to the blessings of my elders? Is it the result of my soulful music? Oh Rama,You dispel my sorrows.Oh Lord of Lakshmi, how did I find you?

ennagA manasuku-neelAmbari-Adi

In this kruti Tyagaraja emphatically says that organs of this body are useless if they can not enjoy the devotion to Rama.

P ennaga manasuku rAni pannaga SAyi sogasu
pannuga ganugonani kannu lElE kanTi minnu lElE ||
what are the eyes for,if they cannot witness the beauty of the Lord who majestically reclines on serpent?
AP mOhamutO neela vAri vaha kAntini gErina
Sreeharini gaTTukonani dEha mElE ee gEha mElE.||
What is the body for if it is not fascinated by the embrace of the Lord who shines with the effulgence of blue clouds.What is this home for without the worship of Rama?
C 1 sarasija malle tulasee virajAji pArijAta
virulachE poojinchani karamu lElE ee kApuramu lElE. ||
What are the hands for, which can not worship Rama with lotuses,jasmine,tulasi,virajaji and parjata flowers.What is this home for if it is devoid of worship of Rama?
C 2 mAlimitO tyaga rAju nElina tyAgarAja moortini
lAlinchi pogaDani nAlikElE sootra mAlikEle. ||
What is this tongue for and what are these beads for, if Rama, who affectionately protects Tyagaraja, is not comforted and praised?

ETi janmamidi-varALi-chApu

This kruti in varali is more like a padam full of Srungara rasam, pangs of separation and dejection.Tyagaraja yearns to see,to talk to and to embrace Rama expressing that his life is worthless without it.

P ETi janmamidi ha oh rAmA| Oh Rama,what sort of life is this? Why am I destined to have this birth?
AP ETi janmamidi enduku kaligenO
entani sairintu ha oh rAmA ||
How long should I endure?
C 1 sATi lEni mArakOTi lAvaNyuni
mATi mATiki joochi mATalADani ||
He is unparalleled with the beauty of a million Manmathas.What is this life for, if I am not able to see him and talk to him again and again? ||
C 2 sAreku mutyAla hAramuramuna pAlu
gAru mOmunu gannulAra jooDani tana
ingita merigina sangeeta lOluni
ponguchu tanuvAra kougilinchani tana ||
He is adorned with a pearl garland on his chest.What is this life for, if I can not see his delicate face to my heart's content ? He is shrewd,he engrosses in music. What is this life for, if he is not embraced whole heartedly?
C 3 sAgara Sayanuni tyAgarAja nutuni
vEgame chooDaga vEgEni hrudayamu ||
My heart throbs to see my lord who reclines on the ocean,soon.