P |
Alinchu pAlinchu akhilAnDESvari nA mOrA ||
Oh Goddess Akhilandesvari, please listen to my prayers affectionately and protect me.
A.P. |
lAlinchi kanna biDDala
nalarinchu talli kaivaDi nA manavAlinchi ||
You are like Mother who comforts her child lovingly.
C |
kAlaroopiNee sadASiva kAminee
jagatkAriNi yani chira
kAlamu madi ranjilla
nishkAma bhakti jEyu rAghavuni ku||yyAlinchi ||
You are personification of 'Time'.You are Sadasiva's dear consort. You are the root cause of creation of the universe. I have been worshipping for long with no desires. Please make Raghava happy.
/ End of song //>