P |
madhurA pura nAyikE amba ||
Oh Supreme Goddess of Madhura, you are my mother.
A.P. |
amba madhura vANi marakatAngi
maNi veeNapANi mAtangi||
Your voice is melodious. You shine like emerald. You hold gem studded Veena. You are sage Matanga's daughter Matangi.
C |
sarasa kavitA pradAna veeDikE
sAmaja gamanE Sri chanDikE
karuNA sAgarE kApADu nannu
harikESa jAyE Srihari vinutE ||
You are bestower of virtuous poetic talent. You walk gently like elephant. You are ferocious Chandika. Your mercy is ocean-like. Please protect me. You are Harikesa's consort. Sri Hari adores you.
/ End of song //>