matsya koorma - saurAshTra - tripuTa
SlOkam :
krushNa krushNa krupAsindhO bhakta sindhu sudhAkara
mAmuddhara jagannAdha mAyA mOha mahArNavAt||
Oh Sri Krishna, you are ocean of compassion. You delight devotees like the moon delights sea. Oh Lord of the universe, please lift us from the ocean-like world filled with delusion.
C1 |
matsya koorma varAha nara mruga vAmanAmara bhArgava
kutsitAri virAma daSaradha rAma balarAmA bhava krushNa krushNa ||
Oh Krishna, you descended on the earth in various incarnations (Avataras) to rescue the world from evil forces. You took the form of fish to destroy demon Somaka who stole Vedas, became tortoise to lift Mandhara mountain during Sagaramadhanam,
took the form of boar to rescue the earth from demon Hiranyaksha, incarnated as man-lion Narasimha to kill demon Hiranyakasipa who tortured Vishnu's ardent devotee Prahlada, you came as Vamana to subdue demon Bali, you came as Parasurama to destroy wicked kings, incarnated as Srirama to destroy Ravana and now you are appearing as Balarama and Krishna to dispel evil.
C2 |
krushNa krushNa krupA samudra vitrushNa buddha guNAkara
krushNa kalki Sareera khalajana kruntanAmara sudhAkara krushNa krushNa ||
Oh Krishna, you are ocean of compassion. You incarnated as Buddha and will appear as Kalki to destroy the wicked and to save pious people.
C 3 |
nitya Suddha sukhAnubhooti niranjanAkhila ranjana
pratyagEkara saika vigraha parama pAvana pAvana krusha krushNa ||
Oh Krishna, you are ever pure. You are serene. You are the root cause of happiness. You are embodiment of transcendental bliss. You are the most pious lord.
C 4 |
gOpa gOpee gOpAnAnana gooDha paratatvAchyuta
tApahara nArAyaNa teerdha samtAraka vijaya gOpAla krushNa krushNa ||
Oh Krishna, though you moved among cowherd boys and Gopikas you are detached. You are personification of transcendental truths. You remove distress of asetic Narayana Teerdha. You are victorious protector of Gopa community.