kadhaya kadhaya mAdhavam -kalyANi -aTa
In this song the Gopikas request Radha to tell how she spent time in the
company of her beloved Krishna.
Slokam :
adha chira pari bhuktA SauriNAKhanDaroopA
nijasukha pari truptA brahmavidyEva gOpi
vraja yuvatibhi ruchchaihi prArdhitA sAbhilASham
hari paratara bhAvam darSayantee damAha
Sri Krishna's most beloved Radha, worshipped him in privacy to her heart's contentment.
She explained to Gopikas the transcendental nature of Sri Krishna, the embodiment of 'Brahma Vidya'.
P |
kadhaya kadhaya mAdhavam hErAdhE
kadhaya kadhaya mAdhavam ||
Oh Radha, tell us about Madhava.
AP |
atha sakhi kadhaya Sree madhu soodana maSEsha
vidhinA varNita veerya mamita vibhavam ||
Oh dear friend, tell us about Madhusudana who is praised by Brahma as
the most powerful and glorious.
C 1 |
vana bhuvi rahasi samArdhito bhagavA
nana vadya sundarAngi hE rAdhE
ghana jaghanAyA tvayA ghana neela kuntala Sree
vanamAlee peeta vAsA vasati kvavA jagati ||
Oh Radha, you are unrivalled with your beautiful body. Tell us about Krishna
whose hair is beautiful like black cloud, who has Tulasi garland and who
wears yellow robes. Tell us where you worshipped Krishna secretly and where
he is now.
C 2 |
mruga mada kalita tilaka phAla sundaram
agaNita suguNa maNi ratnA karam
vigata mOha makhila vEda bhAga viditam
bhagavanta mASrita bhAvita vidhAtAram ||
Krishna's forehead is beautiful with the mark of Kasturi (musk). His
virtues are countless like the gems in an ocean. He is bereft of delusion and
is the creator of all the Vedas. He is the all mighty that bestows boons profusely
to his devotees.
C 3 |
sarasa hAsa rasa saraLa taraLa
muraLee milita gOpa vadhoo janam
aravinda lOchana arivarga soodanam
nara nArAyaNa teertha vAnchita phala nidAnam ||
His smile is pleasant and the Gopikas are attracted by him. He is
lotus-eyed and he is the slayer of all enemies. He is the bestower of boons to
Narayana Teerdha.
/ End of song //>
bhAvayE hrudayAravindE -bilahari -Adi
Kamsa sends Akrura, his friend and also a devotee of Sri Krishna, to
invite Balarama and Krishna to Mathura for Dhanuryagam ( a sacrifice)
with a hidden plan to kill them. On seeing Krishna at Brindavan, Akrura
sings this song with utmost devotion.
Slokam :
Sri haricharaNa sarOjE hrudayasarOjE nidhAya bhooyOpi
gayati nanda kumAram sambOdhyAnanya bhakti yuktAtmA ||
Akrura kept his heart on lotus feet of Krishna and sang the glory of Krishna with
utmost devotion
P |
bhAvayE hrudayAravinde tAvaka pAdaravindE ||
Oh Krishna, I always think of your lotus feet in my heart.
AP |
dEva gandharvAdi brunda sEvita mAmava mukunda ||
Oh Krishna, You are worshipped by the devatas and all celestial beings. Please
protect me. |
C 1 |
sakala lOka nAyaka sAdhu jana tAraka
makara kEtu janaka mAyA dhAraka
vikaTAri vidAraka vEda samuddhAraka
vikruta bhaya vAraka vipula sukha dAyaka ||
You are the master of all lokas. You emancipate the saints. You are the progenitor
of of cupid whose flag has crocodile as emblem. You have taken human form by
your Maya. You destroyed the evil Somaka and recovered the Vedas. You dispel
our fears and bestow abundant happiness.
C 2 |
kanaka maya dukoola kalita kalyANa jAla
muni mAnasAnukoola muraLee lOla
vinayAdi guNa Seela vEda purANAdi moola
veera vijaya gOpAla vigata SokAdimoola ||
Your dress is golden. Your deeds are auspicious. You comfort the hearts of
saints. You engross in sweet music of flute. You are known for your
humility and other gentle qualities. You are the root of the Vedas and epics.
You are the victorious hero. You remove the cause of all agony.
C 3 |
kAlindee taTa vihAra karuNA rasa sAgara
mELita gOpee nikara mEru sama dheera
kALIya mada hAra kamsAdi bhayamkara
gOkula Sree mandAra koTi kAma sundara ||
You stroll pleasantly on the banks of Yamuna. You are the ocean of compassion.
All the Gopikas gathered in Brundavan because of you. Your courage is great
like the Meru mountain. You destroyed the arrogance of Kaliya serpent. You
are terror to Kamsa and the other wicked persons. You are like the sacred
Mandara flower. You excel a million cupids in beauty.
C 4 |
bhakta jana samraksha parama karuNA veeksha
sakta jana suSiksha sAdhu jana paksha
rakta kamala patrAksha ramaNeeya charaNa daksha
bhakta nArAyaNa teertha bhava bandhana mOksha ||
You protect your devotees with compassionate look. You always stand by the
pious saints. Your eyes resemble red lotus petals. you are efficient in imparting
excellent training. Your devotee Narayana Teerdha is emancipated from
worldly bonds.
/ End of song //>
vijaya gOpAla -suraTi -aTa
Slokam :
madhurAgamanOtsAham mAdhavam vallavAnganAha
mangaLAnyAcharantya stam jagustasya jayEchchayA ||
On the invitation of Kamsa, Krishna and Balarama set off to Madhura.
The Gopikas sing this song wishing him success and auspiciousness.
P |
vijaya gOpAla tE mangaLam
jaya viSvam bhara tE mangaLam ||
Victory to you, Oh Gopala, wish you all auspiciousness. Victory to you, the
protector of the universe.
C 1 |
nanda yaSOdA nandana sundara
manda smita dhruta mandara
nanda sunandAdi vandita pAdAra
vinda gOvinda jaya mangaLam ||
Oh beautiful son of Nanda and Yasoda. Your smile is gentle and you lifted
the Mandara mountain. Oh Govinda, Nanda and Sunanda worship your
lotus feet. Wish you Victory.
C 2 |
chAru kadambaka taru moolA Srita
chanchala maNi maya kunDala
dAruNa vaiiri samharaNa parAkrama
dAsa pOshaNa tE mangaLam ||
You look beautiful with diamond studded ear rings under Kadamba tree. You
vanquished your treacherous enemies showing great valour and protected
your devotees. Wish you auspiciousness.
C 3 |
chandana champaka tulasee kalpaka
Seetala vana sanchAriNE
vAchAma gOchara charita sadAnanda
vAsudEvAya tE mangaLam ||
You move about under the cool shade of sandalwood, champaka and kalpaka
trees. Oh Vasudeva, it is not possible for us to comprehend the record of your
deeds. You are ever blissful. Wish you auspiousness.
C 4 |
gOpee manDala gooDha parAyaNa
gOvinda gOkula nAyaka
Apadudharaka akhila janA dhAra
tApaharaNa tE mangaLam ||
Oh lord of Gokulam, You showered immense joy on Gopikas. You saved Gokulam
from the worst dangers. You are the prop for all. You dispel sorrow. Oh Krishna,
wish you auspiciousness.
C 5 |
vardhita gObrunda vana mAli
gOvardhana giridhara vAmana
teerdha kruta Siva nArAyaNa teerdha
mAnasa sArasamandira ||
Oh Gopala, You protected the cows and you wore tulasi garlands. You lifted
Govardhana hill and saved Gokulam. In Vamana and subsequent incarnations,
you rescued the world. You dwell in the lotus hearts of sages. Narayana
Teerdha's heart is sanctified by your grace.
/ End of song //>
pAhi pAhi mAm -bhoopAla -aTa
At Mathura, Krishna kills the evil kamsa. Rejoicing at this the celestial
beings and the wise Brahmanas sing the praise of victorious Krishna.
Slokam :
ananta kaLyANa guNAbhrAmam
duranta samsAra tamOvirAmau
nirantaram samsmaratOh svapitrO
radhAntikam samyaga vAstavantou ||
Sri Krishna and Balarama's virtues are infinite. They dispel worldly darkness.
They set off to meet their dear parents who were longing to see them.
P |
pAhi pAhi mAm parama krupALO
dEhi mE tvai dEva subhaktim ||
Oh all merciful lord Gopala, bestow me pure devotion to you.
C 1 |
asura samhAra Sree vijaya gopAlA
amara samrakshaNa vijaya gopAlA
vasudeva tanaya Sree vijaya gopAlA
vAsavAdi nuta vijaya gopAlA ||
Oh Victorious Gopala, you are the destoryer of demons and the protector of
devatas. You are Vasudeva's son who is worshipped by Brahma and other
C 2 |
sangeeta lOla Sree vijaya gopAlA
sadguNa Seela Sree vijaya gopAlA
SrungAra rasa poora vijaya gopAlA
Srita jana pAla Sree vijaya gopAlA ||
Oh Victorious Gopala, You engross in music. You are the paragon of
virtues . You are filled with love. You protect those who seek your shelter.
C 3 |
dheera guNAdhAra vijaya gopAlA
dhEnukAdi haraNa vijaya gopAlA
nArada muni gEya vijaya gopAlA
nArAyaNa teerdha vijaya gopAlA ||
Oh Victorious Gopala, You are the courageous upholder of the virtues and
protector of cows. Narada and other sages sing your praise. You are Narayana
Teerdha's victorious Gopala.
/ End of song //>
vEdAdri Sikhara -kAmbhOji -jumpe
Slokam :
muchukundOpi tam drushTvA bandharamAtmanaha
nrusimha pada lakshyam praNaman stouti divya druk ||
Muchukunda was an ardent devotee of Krishna. While Muchukunda
was staying in a a cave, Krishna. appeared to him. He was
overwhelmed with joy and sings prasing Krishna.
P |
vEdAdri Sikhara narasimha mAkalayAmi
vimala vidyujvalita jihvam
I look at Narasimha the incarnation of Vishnu graced on the peak of
Oh lord Narasimha, your blazing tongue is shining with the brilliance of
C 1 |
vEdAnta vEdya vimalA nanda vijnAna
vidaLita duranta bhava mOham tvAm noumi ||
You expounded Vedas.You are brilliant with pure bliss. You dispel
the sordid worldly fascination. I bow to you.
C 2 |
para bhAvanA druDha bandha hara makhila
suravyri daLanakhara nakharam
paripoorNa karuNA sudhA samAhlAdita
prahlAda bhaya hara mudAram tvAm noumi ||
You infuse in us trascendental thoughts. You cut off the strong earthly
bonds. You destroyed Hirayakasipu the enemy of devatas by tearing him
with your sharp nails. Dispelling all fears of Prahlada, you made him
extremely happy with the nectar of kindness. I bow to you.
C 3 |
ghOra samsAra tAraka tArakAdhi pati
taraNi manDala koTi bhAsam
ksheera gambheera vAridhi madhana samjAta
vara lakshmee KoustubhollAsam tvam noumi ||
You enable us transcend and the horrible worldly life. You are the lord of all
galaxies. You have the effulgence of a million suns. The most precious Koustubha
gem shines on your chest. Varalakshmi who was born after the ocean of milk
was churned, flourishes on your chest. I bow to you.
C 4 |
jagadanDa SatakoTi jananee kaLatra miha
janma maraNAdi bhaya vidooram
nigama maya khaga vara yAna samchara
niyata leelA maya Sareeram tvAm noumi ||
Lakshmi the mother of the cosmos is your consort. Neither birth nor death
have any effect on you. You fly on Garuda bird the embodiment of the Vedas.
Your form is mysterious due to your Maya. I bow to you.
C 5 |
maNi maya kireeTa maNI makara kunDala kAnti
madhita digdaSa timira bhAram
aNimAdi bhooti damanananya SaraNArdhinam
AdhAra makhila sukha sAram tvAm noumi ||
The light from your gem- studded crown and ear-rings shatter away
blinding darkness. You bestow great powers to those who seek your shelter.
You are the basis of the essence of happiness. I bow to you.
C 6 |
niravadya guNa ratna nirmalAntahkaraNa
varaNeeya varadA nipuNam
dheera Siva nArAyaNAnanda teerdha yati
gooDha paramArdha mati karuNam tvAm noumi ||
You are the repository of precious virtues. You are skillful in bestowing boons
to devotees with unblemished conscience. You are the embodiment of supreme
knowledge. You make the ascetic Narayana Teerdha blissful. I bow to you.
/ End of song //>
VeekshE kadA -Ananda bhyravi -jumpe
Rukmini's maid servant reveals that her father Bheeshma agreed with
his son Rukmi's proposal to perform Rukmini's marriage with Sisupala
but not with Krishna. Shocked at this news Rukmini is filled with sorrow.
Slokam :
AyAti Sri rukmiNee Sanai riha
gEya yOshidbhi radhunA
krushna mEva chintayantee sadA hrudi
vrushNi vamsa sindhu chandram
saundarya ninditAmaree nirantara
chArutara neelakabaree
tanvee swa tanubhanunA parAjita
tapana kiraNA taruNi
rOhiNeeyE krutOdvAhE rEvateeprANa vallabhE
SrikrishNasyAdha samayO vaivAhika mahOtsavE
iti dvAravate pourAha praSasansuhu punahpunah
rukmeecha rukmiNeem dAtum SiSupAla rOchayatE
putrasnEha vaSAdrAjA tadhaiva hrudi nischtaha
EvamAlOchtam sarvaihi bandhubhiSchApi mAnini ||
Sri Rukmini is coming here gently accompanied by singing women.
She is thinking of only Lord Krishna, the moon to ocean-like Yadu clan.
Her charm humbles the beauty of divine damsels. Her beautiful hair is dense and black like dark cloud.
She is young and slender. Luster of her body outshines the radiance of sun rays.
Balarama married Revati. Rukmini's brother wanted to get her
married to his friend Sisupala. Her father agreed to it but
Rukmini was upset with that. So she lamented about her plight.
P |
veekshE kadA dEva dEvam
gOpAla moortim
sAkshAnmanmadha koTi soundarya bhAvyam||
I don't Know when will I be able to see my lord Gopala. He excels a million cupids in his beauty.
C 1 |
prakaTa mruga mada tilaka ramaNeeya phAlam
sakala guNa sampatti sahita muru khElam ||
Kasturi (musk) mark on his forehead is beautiful . He is the treasure house
of all virtues. He is God striding on the earth but playing like a boy.
C 2 |
brundAvanAnta bhuvi viSruta vihAram
nanda nandana makhilA nanditA kAram ||
Krishna strolled pleasantly in Brundavan. He is Nandas son and is the
embodiment of happiness.
C 3 |
kAla mEgha Sareera kalita vidyudvasanam
kELee kalA kutuka kinchit kunchitAdharam ||
His costume is shining like lightenging on his body which has the color of a
dark cloud. He is enthusiastic to play games pressing his lips tight.
C 4 |
tadhimi dhimiki dhimeeti tAnDava vilOlam
siddha jana vinuta prasiddhatara Seelam ||
Krishna is engrossed in vigorous Tandava dance. Realised souls with exemplary
character chant his praise.
C 5 |
sarasa muraLee geeta rasAmruta laharee
nirata nArAyaNa teerdha nirmala manOhamsam ||
Narayana Teerdha's unblemished heart floats like a swan on the waves of
nectar like music from Krishna's flute.
/ End of song //>
rE rE mAnasa gOpAlam -sAvEri -aTa
Rukmini strongly feels that she should be at a distance to the kings like
Sisupala. She has full confidence in Krishna's arrival. She sings that Sri
Krishna is Sriman Narayana himself and that he is the greatest
Slokam :
rErE chEtaha SruNu vimala hrut punDareekAntarasthE
yasmin mAyA vilasita jagatkOTayassanti bhumni
gOpAlam tam bhaja nigama vidyAvilAsAnupAlam
bhupAlam tam parihara punarjanma bandhaika moolam ||
Oh my mind, listen. Gopala is omnipresent and so he is in the lotus-like
hearts of all devotees. He encompasses the whole universe in him by his
Supreme nature. He is the essence of Vedas and all spiritual knowledge.
King Sisupala is attached to worldly things and so is destined for re-birth.
Oh Krishna, annihilate him.
P |
rE rE mAnasa gOpAlam bhaja doorE parihara bhoopalam ||
Oh my heart, praise Gopala and be at a distance to the kings.
AP |
ArA dantara tara makhilAtmaka bodhA nanda ghanam bAlam ||
Balakrishna is omnipresent. He is great in expounding the spiritual knowledge. |
C 1 |
Vimala hrudaya kamalodAram vEda
Samita vividha vishayA kAram
kamaneeya tara karuNA sAram sarva sama
bhAva bhAva mahodAram ||
His lotus like heart is unblemished and he is very liberal. He is the embodiment
of various truths in the Vedas. He is very compassionate and liberally imparts
transcendental knowledge.
C 2 |
sAmAdi nigamAnta sanchAra dheera
dhee madanu smruta guNAKAram
samarasa mEka mananta mananvaya
mamita nirantara sukha sAgaram ||
He engrosses himself in Samaveda and other scriptures. The wise meditate
upon him as the embodiment of virtues. He is primordial and infinite. He is
the ocean of unlimited and perpetual bliss.
C 3 |
jagadanDa kOTi parAkASAm
sarva nigmAnta vidita swaprakAsam
agaNita guNa maNI vAgeeSam
dEva mAgama roopa nijadeSam
He is infinite like the sky encompassing the whole universe. He is self effulgent
and by his grace all the Vedas can be comprehended. He is the repository of
innumerable virtues. He is the most eminent orator.
C 4 |
vigaLita mOhaja bhavapAsam viSva mangaLa
kruta tanu makhi lEsam
bhagavanta mAdi gurum Siva madvaya
chidgaganam navaneetASam ||
He dispels the worldly bonds generated due to illusion. He descended on the
earth as a human to make the universe auspicious. He is the God and the
prime Guru. He is the bestower of tranquility. He is the primordial. He is the
embodiment of super conciousness and is infinite like the sky.
C 5 |
sundara tara muraLee vAdam muni
brunda vichintya sundara pAdam
nanda tanaya makhi lAnandam
Sara dindu vadana miha gOvindam ||
Krishna renders melliflous music on his flute. The sages meditate upon his
holy feet. He is Nanda's son and is the source of happiness. He is Sriman
Narayana descended on the earth.He has beautiful face like the moon of
C 6 |
brundAvana hita gObrundam dhruta mandara
makhila nigama kandam
nanda sunandAdi vandya mananyaka
nArAyaNa teerdha yati varadam ||
He is the benefacfor of Brindavana community and the care taker of herds
of cows. He is the source of the Vedas and other scriptures. He is worshipped
by the sages Nanda and Sunanda. He is the lord that bestows boons to the
ascetic Narayana Teerdha.
/ End of song //>
gOpAla mEva daivatam -kamAs -Adi
Slokam :
iti nischitya sA bheeshmai gOvindAvAptayE hrudi
ArAdhayantee tam krushNam prEmabhaktyaichamAdamAha cha ||
Rukmini shows her implicit faith in Gopala. She recollects many great deeds and
qualities of Sree Krishna in this song.
P |
gOpAla mEva daivatam bhajE sadA gOpAla mEva daivatam ||
I believe that only Gopala is the God, I worship him.
C 1 |
sarva lOka kAraNam satya kAmAdiguNam ||
He is the primordial god and is the creator of all lokas. (universe) He is the
repository of virtues like truth, kindness etc.
C 2 |
bhaktAnu grahA bhivyakta bhavya moorti dhAriNam ||
He took incarnation as Gopala showering mercy on Devatas.
C 3 |
yAdavabdhi chandra miha yatijana mOhApaham ||
He is like the moon to the ocean of Yadavas. He dispels even the delusion of
ascetics and monks.
C 4 |
kamsAdi vyri virAma kalita divya vigraham ||
He is the divine personality that destroyed Kamsa and other wicked beings.
C 5 |
gOpikA vana kumuda gurutara chandrOdayam ||
He is the resplendent moon to the Gopikas whose faces are beautiful like
water lilies. (kumuda flowers)
C 6 |
ghOra samsAra kAraNa vAraNa kEsariNam ||
The horrible strife in this world resembles an elephant in rut. Krishna is like
lion to conquer it.
C 7 |
manasApi na gaNa yAmi mAdhava danya daivam ||
Even by error, I'll not imagine any one other than Madhava as God.
C 8 |
bhavya nArAyaNa teerdha divya drugvidhAyinam ||
Narayana Teerdha meditates upon only Gopala who enlghtens him.
/ End of song //>
kalyANam bhavatu -kalyANi -aTa
In this song Narayana Teertha describes vividly the holy Rukmini
kalyanam with all the details of a Vedic marriage ceremony.
Slokam :
trailOkya sampatkalayAvateerNa
yA rukmiNee sAgara rAja kanyA
sEyam bhavAnee bhava bhAva yuktA
sampujya niryAti sakhee samEtA ||
Sri Mahalakshmi is incarnated as beautiful princess Rukmini to wed
Sri Krishna the incarnation of Sri Mahavishnu. She set off along with her
confidente to temple to worship Parvati-Parameswaras before her wedding.
P |
kaLyANam bhavatu sadA kanakAmbara kankAbhE bhyshmee
Oh Krishna in golden yellow robe, Oh Rukmini the gold complexioned lady
and the daughter of the king Bheeshma Let it be always auspicious to you.
C 1 |
avalOkaya bhyshmee vadanam krishNa
bhuvana sundara bhooSaSinam
navaneeta priya vadanam bhyshmi
bhava bhaya tAraka mati Subhadam ||
Oh Krishna, You are the moon descended on the earth. Please look at the
charming face of Rukmini. Oh Rukmini, look at the face of Krishna who is
fond of butter who bestows prosperity and who enables us transcend the
worldly fears.
C 2 |
sankalpam kurukamsa ripO jaya
satyam prati dharmAcharaNam
pankEruha nayanAmara nara pati
parishadi bhyshmyA saha Sree Krishna ||
Oh Sri Krishna, take the solemn vow along with Rukmini during your auspicious
wedding ceremony. Oh lotus eyed Krishna, the celestial beings and the kings
have assembled to witness the sacred celebration.
C 3 |
bhroo madhyam pari sammrujyAchyuta
bhooshaya bhyshmee vadana miha
kAmam yuga nihitAguLi mEnAm
snapaya harE bhyshmee madhuna ||
Oh Hari, adorn the forehead of Rukmini with the sacred mark of Tilakam. Oh Krishna, sprinkle the sacred water on Rukmini's fingers placed on yoke.
C 4 |
navya sundara paridhAnE nAnagha
dEvee madhunA chAdaya
divya kanaka maNi mangaLa sootram
dEvee kanThE sthApaya bho ||
Oh Krishna, wrap a new wedding saree (madhuparkam) on the unblemished
bride Rukmini. Please decorate her neck with the sacred wedding chain made
of gold and gems.
C 5 |
dwaravatee nagaree tava sukhadA
dheera harE ramayA bhavatu
kAraNa nirbhara jagatA masuravi
dAraNa nArAyaNa teertha SaraNA ||
Oh Krishna, Dwaraka city is the place of abundant happiness. You are the
primordial lord of the universe. You quelled all the demons. You are the sole
refuge for Narayana Teerdha.
/ End of song //>
jaya jaya bAla gOpAla -Arabhi -Adi
This is a benedictory song praying for the auspiciousness of Gopala.
P |
jaya jaya bAla gopAlA
jaya jaya madana gopAlA
jaya jaya vijaya gopAlA
jaya jaya kaLyANa gopalA
Oh Bala Gopala, Victory to you, Oh cupid like Gopala, victory to you.
Oh Gopala, you are ever victorious, you are auspicious, victory to you.
C 1 |
nirupama guNa ratnAkASa
nirmala keerti pooritASa
Saranidhi madhya nivESa
sArasa nEtra lakshmeeSa ||
You are the ocean of virtues and you are infinite. Your glory is unblemished
and it pervades in all directions. Your abode is the ocean of milk. You are the
lotus-eyed lord of Lakshmi.
C 2 |
BrahmAdi sura poojya pAda
pAtaka jAla vibhEda
brahmanya dEva dhruta vEda
bala bhadrA varaja bhakta varada ||
Brahma and other celestials worship your feet with firm faith that you are
the destroyer of sins. The vedic scholars always meditate upon you. You are
the bestower of boons to devotees. You are the brother of Balabhadra.
C 3 |
parijana hrudaya prabhAva
parichita muraLee rava
charita puNyaika sEva
Siva nArAyaNa teerdha dEva ||
Oh Gopala, you have the power of influencing the hearts of people around
you . You are well versed in rendering mellifluous music on flute. Only those
with pious record are blessed with the opportunity of serving you. You are the
God of ascetic Narayana Teerdha.
/ End of song //>
AlOkayE rukmiNee -kAmbhOji -Adi
Narayana Teerdha describes the grand spectacle of Dwaraka where in
Sri Krishna sits on the gem studded throne in a thousand pillared
glittering pavillion. (Mantapam)
Slokam :
bheeshmai jAmbavatee bhAmA satyA bhadrAcha lakshaNA
kALindee mitra vindAcha mahishyOshTA bhavan harEh
dwArakA nagaree madhyE sahasra stambha manTapE
ratna simhAsanArooDham sakaLatram jagussrAha ||
Lord Krishna wedded eight consorts namely Rukmini, Jambavati,
Satyabhama, Bhadra, Lakshana, Kalindi, Mitra and Vinda.
He graced himself with his eight consorts in Dwaraka. He sat
grandly on gem-studded throne in thousand pillared pavillion.
P |
AlOkayE rukmiNee kaLyANa gOpAlam ||
Look at Gopala the bridegroom of Rukmini.
AP |
neela mEgha nibhAkAram bAlArka samAna chElam
neelAmbarAnujam gOpAlam neelAla kAntam ||
He has the complexion of blue clouds and his costume shines like the rising
Sun. Gopala's tresses are like dark clouds.
C 1 |
dwarakA pura manTapE dwAdasAditya sannibhE
bhoori ratna simhAsanE bhoosuraghanE
veerAsanE samAseenam vikasitAmbujAnanam
dheera yOgi sEvya mAnam dEvakee vasudEva soonum ||
Gopala is majestic, sitting in the pavillion that is dazzling like
twelve Suns shining at time. His throne is diamond studded. The priests and
the great sages are at his service. He is the dear son of Devaki and Vasudeva
with face like a blooming lotus.
C 2 |
Sankha dundubhi nAditE SataSo gandharvAdigeetE
punkhAnupunkha nigama budha janAvrutE
pankajE kshaNa rambhAdi paTu naTana vinoditE
kumkuma kEsara varshitE kOmalAkAra charitE ||
The venue is echoing with the sound of conches and drums. Many Gandharvas
(celestial musicians) and others are singing in joy. The vedic scholars are
chanting incessantly. The lotus eyed Rambha and other dancers are entertaining
all with their expertice in dance. Pleasant shower of fragrant saffron flowers
has made the whole scene of the wedding spectacular.
C 3 |
divya kireeTa kunDala deepta peetAmbara dharam
navya muktA maNi hAram nAnA viharam
avyaya bhooti vistAram amara nAree surAdhAram
bhavya koustubha kandharam bhakta mAnasa sanchAram ||
Krishna is shining in his golden costume with divine crown and ear-rings. He
is adorned with Koustubha gem and garlands of gems and pearls. His miracles
are endless. He is the prop for the celestial ladies and devatas. He dwells in
the hearts of the devotees.
C 4 |
ashTa mahishee samEtam amara nAree susEvitam
tushTa pushTa janAvrutam tumburu geetam
ishTajana samASritam eshwara maparAjitam
drushTa sarva lOka jAtam dEva rAjAdi vinutam ||
Krishna is the lord of eight wives and is well served by the celestial ladies.The
people around are very happy and contented. He is the lord without any
defeat. He is the witness of all lokas and is worshipped by Indra.
C 5 |
hEma muktA maNi chatram heera ratna kaTi sootram
chAmara vyamjanAvrutam Saradindu vaktram
kAmakoTi sama gAtram kanakAngadAdi vichitram
Syama sundaram pavitram SaraNAgatoddhAra gOtram ||
His gloden umbrella is embeded with gems. His belt is bedecked with
diamonds and gems. Attendants standing by his side are waving fly flaps
(vinjamaram) and leaf fans. His face is beautiful like the moon in sarad
rutu (Autumn). He excels a million cupids in beauty. He is the most holy
Syama Sundara. Protecting devotees is his mission.
C 6 |
chandrAnana bhyshmee bhAmA jAmbavatee satyA mitram
vindA bhadrA lakshaNA kA Lindee nAyakam
nanda nandana mASrita brunda brundAraka vamdyam
nandita nArAyaNa teerdha nandana mAnanda kandam ||
Beautiful Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Mithra, Vinda, Bhadra, Lakshana
and Kalindi are his consorts. He is Nanda's son and is the refuge for all
devotees. He is the fountain of happiness to Narayana Teerdha.
/ End of song //>
rukmiNee kalyAnam -punnAga varaLi -roopakam
In this Tarangam Narayana Teerdha describes the auspicious wedding
of Rukmini and Sri Krishna. He says that watching the holy wedding of
Rukmini bestows prosperity and happiness to all.
Slokam :
bhaishmyAha pANisarOruhAnjaligatA raktAstu muktAh sthitAha
yA muktAgaLitAnurAga vimalAha krushNottamAngASrayAha
yAtAstasya yadudvahasya paramam sAmyam viSuddhAtmanaha
tAh kurvantvabhtaSSubhAni satatam Sri krushNa vaivAhikAha ||
After tying the sacred tie 'Mangalasutram', Krishna and Rukmini
enjoyed 'Talambralu' i.e. pouring sacred turmeric rice on each other.
White pearls turned red in the red hands of Rukmini. When she poured
them on Krishna, they turned blue. Let the auspicious 'Talambralu'
bestow happiness and prosperity to all.
P |
rukmiNee kalyANam sadA druSyatAm ||
Look at the grand wedding of Rukmini always.
C 1 |
kalyAna gOpAlam karuNala vAlam
mAlyA lamkruta meeDE madana gOpAlam ||
Look at the auspicious bridegroom Gopala the embodiment of mercy. Madana
Gopala is adorned with colorful garlands.
C 2 |
amara naree geetam Agama viditam
amita bhAgyOpeta mASraye anantam ||
The celestial women are singing that Gopala is the lord of limitless fortune, that he is
the preceptor of the Vedas and that he protects devotees.
C 3 |
satya kamAdiguNam sakala jagatkAraNam
bhrutya samrakshaNam bhava bandha mOkshaNam ||
Gopala upholds truth and fulfills wishes. He is the primordial Lord of the universe.
He assures protection to those who are at his service. He dispels all worldly
C 4 |
muraLee saraLa gAnam munibrundAdheenam
SaranNagata pAlanam Saradindu vadanam ||
He engrosses in melodious music of flute. He is always available to the call of
sages. He protects those who seek refuge. His face is beautiul like the autumn
C 5 |
bhava timira ghana bhAnum bhakta kAma dhEnum
Siva nArAyaNa teerdha Seeghra phala dAnam ||
Krishna is the effulgent Sun that dispels the clouds of worldly sins. He is the
celestial cow that fulfills devotees' wishes. Narayana Teerdha is readily blessed
with the fruits of his prayers
/ End of song //>
Jaya mangaLam -suraTi -Adi BENEDICTION
This is a song of benediction to the almighty Sri Krishna. Narayana
teertha describes the beauty of Sri Krishna, his great deeds like destroying
Kamsa, Pootana and also his childhood sports. (leelas)
P |
Jaya mangaLam
nitya Subha mangaLam ||
Oh Krishna, let it be perpetual happiness and auspiciousness to you.
C 1 |
mangaLam rukmiNee ramaNAya SreematE
mangaLam ramaNeeya moortayE tE
mangaLam Sreevatsa bhooshAya SArngiNE
mangaLam nanda gOpAtmajAya ||
Be it auspicious to Krishna the lord of Rukmini, to his bewitching personality,
to the one with Srivatsa dot on his chest, to the one who wields the bow
Sarngirnee and to the son of Nanda the Gopa king.
C 2 |
pootanA kamsAdi puNya jana hAriNE
puruhoota mukha dEva hita karAya
sootAya vijayasya sundara mukhAbjAya
Seeta kiraNAdi kula bhooshaNAya ||
Be it auspicious to Krishna who destroyed pootana, Kamsa and other demons,
who was benevolent to devatas, who has the most attractive countenance
and who is the jewel of Chandra (moon) dynasty.
C 3 |
kAleeya mouLi maNi ranjita padAbjAya
kAlAmbuda syAma divya tanavE
kArunya rasa varshi nayanAravindAya
kalyANa guNa ratna vAri nidhayE ||
Be it auspicious to the lord whose feet glittered on the gem studded hood of
kaliya serpent, whose divine body is like blue cloud and whose eyes shower
compassion and who is the repository of virtues.
C 4 |
navaneeta chOrAya nandAdigOpa gO
rakshiNE gOpikA vallabhAya
nArada muneendra nuta nAma dhEyAya tE
narAyanA nanda teerdha guravE ||
Be it auspicious to Krishna the butter thief and the protector of the cows. Be it auspicious to the
cowherds and Nanda. Be it auspicious to the lord of Gopikas, the name which
is chanted by Narada. Be it auspicious to the Guru of ascetic Narayana Teerdha.
/ End of song //>