P |
vEdAraNyAya namastE
veeNAvAdana vidushyAmbikA samEtayA ||
I bow to Vedaranyesvara who is along with Ambika a great exponent of Vina.
A.P. |
vEdAgama vinuta vaibhavAya
vEdAntArdha tatva bOdhitAya ||
Vedas and other scriptures extol his splendour. He preaches the meaning and message of Vedas.
C |
surAsura sEvita viSvESAya
sundara guruguha supujitAya
soorya chandrAgni lOchanAya
para vAmadEvAdi vandita padAya
murAri prabhruti dEva samoohAya
moolakandAya mukti pradAya
charAcharAtmaka prapanchakAya
Sankara chaturatara varAya ||
Celestials and demons worship him. Handsome Guha worships him. Moon and Fire are his eyes. supreme Vamadeva and other celestials worship him. He is surrounded by Vishnu and other Devatas. He is Primordial deity. He is bestower of salvation. He pervades all over the dynamic and static universe. He is very skillful. He is great Sankara.
/ End of song //>