P |
Sri Sukra bhagavantam chintayAmi
satatam sakala tatvajNam ||
I always meditate upon Sukra Graha (Planet Venus) who is God and who has supreme knowledge of phiosophic truths.
A.P. |
hE Sukra bhagavan mAmASu pAlaya
vrush tulAdheeSa
daitya hitOpadESa kESava kaTAkshaika nEtram
kireeTa dharam dhavaLa gAtram ||
Oh Lord Sukra, protect me well. You are the ruler of Taurus and Libra Rasis. You are Asuras' mentor. Maha Vishnu retained your eye compassionately. You wear crown. Your body is fair.
C |
vimSati vatsarODu daSA vibhAga mashTa vargam kavim
kaLatra kArakam ravi nirjara guru vairiNam
navAmSa hOrADrEkkANAdi vargOttamA vasana samayam
vakrOchcha neecha swaksEtra vara kEndra moola trikONam
trimSAmSa shashTyamSai rAvatAmSa
pArijAtAmSa gOpurAmSa
rAjayOga kArakam rAjya pradam
guruguha mudam ||
Venus planet takes twenty years for one revolution around the Sun.
He influences eight divisions of Zodiac. He is eminent poet. He is bestower of spouse. He is hostile to Bruhaspati the Guru of Devatas. While in various astrological positions in Rasi chakra, he bestows Raja Yoga. He bestows kingly status. He is Guru Guha's delight.
/ End of song //>