by Damodara Rao Dasu

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Sri guruguhasya - poorvi - miSra chApu

P Sri guruguhasya dAsOham
nOchEt chidguruguha EvAham ||
I am humble servant of Sri Guru Guha. Perhaps I am not different from him in my conscience.
A.P. bhOga mOkshAtmaka charaNasya
bhupurAdi nava varNasya
yOgi brundAhntakaraNasya
yOgi peeThAdi kAraNasya
I am humble servant of Sri Guru Guha. His sacred feet bestow prosperity and salvation. He presides in Bhupura and other zones of nine Avaranas. He dwells in the conscience of sages. He is the basis for scholarly schools of Yogis.
C sanakAdi purveeka munigaNa
sannutAnanda vigrahasya
vanajabhavAdi sakala sumanO
janana layAdi roopa prapancha
jNAna kArya nigrahasya
manana dhyAna samAdhi nishTa
mahAnubhAva hrudgruhasya
dinakara kOTi vibhAsvarasya
tEjOmaya jagadeesvarasya
janaranjana kArasya varasya
sarvasmAtparasya harasya ||
I am the humble devotee of Guru Guha who is adored by Sanaka and other sages, who fulfills pious wishes of Brahma and other Devatas, who bestows knowledge of creation and dissolution of the world, who dwells in the hearts of seers who practice meditation, concentration and equanimity, who has the brilliance of crores of Suns, who is effulgent, who bestows happiness to all, who is above all and who dispels our sins.