by Damodara Rao Dasu

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dakshiNAmUrtE - SankarAbharaNam - miSra jumpa

P dakshiNA murtE vidaLita dAsArtE
chidAnanda purtE sadA mouna keertE
Oh Dakshinamurti, you dispel afflictions of devotees. You immerse in absolute bliss. You are extoled for your perpetual meditation.
AP akshaya suvarNa vaTavruksha moolasthitE
raksha mAm sanakAdi rAja yOgi stutE
rakshita sadbhaktE Sikshita duryuktE
aksharAnu raktE avidyA viraktE ||
You sit under imperishable golden peepal tree. Please protect me. Sanaka and other Rajayogis worship you. You protect pious devotees and punish the wicked. You admire superior knowledge and abhor ignorance.
C nikhila samSaya haraNa nipuNatara yuktE
nirvikalpasamAdhi nidrA prasaktE
akanDaika rasa purNAruDha saktE
aparOksha nitya bOdhAnanda muktE
sukhatara pravruttE svAjnAna nivruttE
swaguru guhOtpattE svAnubhava truptE ||
You eradicate every doubt. Your views are superior. You absorb in 'Nirvikalpa samadhi' i.e. the state of absolute tranquility of mind. You are full to the brim with quintessence of happiness. You enlighten us about perpetual happiness in emancipation. By nature you are blissful. You eradicate ignorance. Guru Guha is your child. You preach of contentment in one's own experience.

EkAmrESa nAyikE - Suddha sAvEri - Adi

P EkAmrESA nAyikE SivE
Sri kAmAkshi pAhi mAm ||
Oh Sri Kamakshi the consort of Siva the lord Ekamresa, please protect me.
AP EkAmrESa gruhEswari Sankari
SAtOdari sadbhakta vaSankari ||
Oh Sankari the queen of Ekamresa with slender waist, you are the captive of true devotees.
C kAmajanaka mOhita purNa phalE
kAmakalE vimalE karakamalE
pAmara jana pAlini guruguha janani
Suddha sAvEree nuta nandini ||
You fulfilled the wishes of Maha Vishnu the father of Manmadha. You are adept in the art of love. You hold lotus flower. You are unblemished. You are the protector of innocent folks. You are mother of Guru Guha. You are Nandini worshipped in Suddha Saveri ragam.

Sri gaNanAtham bhajarE - eeSAmanOhari - rupaka


P Sri gaNanAtham bhajarE chitta parASaktiyutam || Oh Mind, worship Ganapati the lord of all Ganas (Devatas) along with Mother Parasakti.
AP nAga yajNa sootradharam nAda layAnandakaram || He wears sacred thread 'yajnopavitam'.He bestows happiness in divine music and rhythm.
C 1 AgamAdi sannutam akhila dEva pujitam
yOgaSAli bhAvitam bhOgiSAyi sEvitam
rAgadvEshAdi rahitam ramaNeeya hrudaya viditam
Sri guruguha sammuditam chinmoola kamala sthitam ||
He is extoled by Vedas and holy scriptures. He is worshipped by all Devatas. He is considered as perfect Yogi. Maha Vishnu who reclines on divine Adi Sesha serpent adores him. He is devoid of attachment or hatred and has excellent heart.He makes Guru Guha happy. He resides in the lotus of one's inner-self.

Sri subrahmaNyo - tODi - Adi

P Sri subrahmaNyo mam rakshatu
shaNmukhAvatAra Saktirupa ||
Oh Sri Subrahmanya, please protect me. You are the embodiment of Power, appearing with six faces.
AP bhAsamAna valli dEvasEnO
bhArateeSAdi tatva bOdhinO
vAsavAdi vandita Subha charaNO
patra vibhuti pradAna nipuNO ||
He shines with his consorts Valli and Devayani. He expounds philosophic knowledge to Brahma the lord of Saraswati. Indra and other Devas bow to his sacred feet. He is adept in bestowing sacred Vibhuti on leaf.
C 1 SatakOTi bhAskara SObhakara
SishTa sitikanThAtmaja
Siva karah pratApa tArakAdi hata dhirah
prabala gaNESAnuja shaDakshara
SatAyushprada bhakta mandArah
kshiteeSa pujita divyAmbarah
nava veerAnanda vara guru guhah ||
He shines with the radiance of a million Suns. He is the dear son of Sankara whose neck is blue. He is bestower of happiness. He is the hero that destroyed demon Taraka and other demons. He is the brother of great Ganesa .He is shadakshara that bestows long life. He is like Celestial 'Mandara' tree to devotees. Abhishekam with sacred conch and other services are performed while worshipping him. He wears divine robes. Nine warriors are at the service of handsome Guru Guha.