by Damodara Rao Dasu

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annAmayyA - mOhana - Adi

P annamayyA neeku sAshTAnga vandana
mannAmayA Oh annamayyA ||
Oh Annamayya, we prostrate unto you again and again.
C1 vinnAmayA needu vividha samkeertana
lennO vini ninu padakavitA pitAmahu DannAmayA ||
We listened to your inumerable devotional songs and declared that you are
" Grand Sire of Pada Poetics"
C2,3 kannAmayA mahima lennO neelO
kani needu bOdhanalanni telusu
kunnAmayA ||
punnAma yAtanala pOgoTTu varamivva
mannAmu muraLee rava rupa
nee sATi lErannArayA
We found a number of spiritual powers in you and got enlightened by your preachings.
We beg you to grant us boon to escape the worst torments in "Punnama" hell. You are adored by Murali's music. You are unparalleled poet.