by Damodara Rao Dasu

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yAkundEndu tushAra - yamunAkaLyANi - Adi

Slokam yA kundEndu tushAra hAra dhavaLA
yA SubhravastrAvrutA
yA veeNA vara danDa manDita karA
yA svEta padmAsanA
yA brahmAchyuta Sankara prabhrutibhi
dEvai sadA poojita
sA mAm pAtu sarasvati bhagavati
nihSEsha jadyapaha ||
Salutations to Goddess Sarasvati who is beautiful like jasmine flower, cool like the moon, adorned with pearl garlands and whose garments are pure white. Salutations to Goddess Sarasvati who is seated on white lotus flower , who is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu , Mahesvara and other deities always. Oh Goddess Sarasvati, please protect me eradicatng my ignorance completely.