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2.dEvamuni pravarArchita lingam
3.sarva sugandha sulEpita lingam
4.kanaka mahAmaNi bhushita lingam
5.kumkuma chandana lEpita lingam
6.dEva gaNArchita sEvita lingam
7.ashTa daLOparivEshTita lingam
8.suraguru suravara pujita lingam
phala Sruti : Lingashtakam
1. I bow to the "Lingam" which is eteranal Siva, which is worshipped by Brahma, Vishnu and other Devatas, which is unblemished, which is resplendent and which eradicates sorrows from the time of birth. 2. I salute the "Lingam" which is eternal Siva, which is worshipped by great sages and devatas, which destroyed Manmada the God of love, which is merciful and which dispelled Ravana's pride. 3. I prostrate before the "Lingam" which is eternal Siva which is embellished by many perfumes, which brightens mind and which is adored by siddhas (demigods), devatas and demons. 4. I bow to "Lingam" which is eternal Siva, which is decorated by ornaments made of gold and precious gems, which is splendorous when surrounded by Nagendra the lord of serpents. 5. I bow to "Lingam" which is eternal siva, which is annointed by sandalwood paste and saffron, which shines with lotus garlands and which dispels all accumulated sins. 6. I prostrate in front of the "Lingam" which is eternal Siva, which is worshipped by Devatas and Ganas, which stimulates devotional fervor and which has the radiance of million Suns. 7.I bow to "Lingam" which is eternal Siva, which is surrounded by eight petals, which is the cause of all creation and which is destroyer of eight kinds of adversity. 8. I prostrate before the "Lingam" which is eternal Siva, which is worshipped by Guru of Devatas and eminent Devatas, which is always worshipped with flowers of celestial gardens and which paves the way for beatitude to merge with the Supreme Soul.
9. Those who recite these eight verses in the presence of Siva Lingam, attain Siva's abode and enjoy ultimate bliss in the company of Lord Siva.