P |
palikeDi vEdamE pramANamu
talachina vAriki tatvamu sunDee ||
Preachings proclaimed by Vedas are the authority. Know that they are philosophic truths for great thinkers.
C 1 |
narahari yajAnDa nAyakuDu
suralitaninE samstutinchiri
purushOttamuDidE bhumiki
ee harini kolavani vAru asurulu sunDee ||
Sri Hari is the lord of cosmos. Celestials extol his glory only. He is perfect. Know that those who do not worship him are demons
C 2 |
kamalA ramaNuDE ghanuDu
amarulE mrokkudurataniki
vimatula dunimE vishuDu
tami pujinchaga tagu gatilEdu ||
Hari the consort of Lakshmi is Supreme. Celestials prostrate before him. Maha Vishnu cuts asunder the wicked. There is no alternative to worshipping Hari.
C 3 |
bhAvaja janakuDu brahmamu
trOvaga kolichiri SukAdulu
Sri vEnkaTapati cheluvuDu
daiva SikhAmaNi talacharA vibhuDu ||
He is progenitor of Manmadha. He is Supreme. Suka and other sages chose the ideal path of adoring him. Sri Venkatachalapati is our companion. He is the diadem of Gods. The wise worship him.