P |
telisinavAriki dEvunDitaDE
valavani dushTula vAdamulEla ||
Sensible people believe that only Lord Venkateswara is God. Wicked people devoid of love for him dispute it. Why do you have futile debate with them?
C 1 |
purushulalOpala purushOttamuDu
narulalOna nara nArAyaNuDu
paradaivamulaku paramEswaruDu
varusa mooDhula kevvarO itaDu ||
He is the Supreme among all beings. God Narayana takes human form among human beings. He is the Supreme Lord of Devatas. What could He be for the foolish ones?
C 2 |
palu brahmalakunu parabrahmamu
malayu neeSulaku mahESuDitaDu
ilanAtmalalO niTu paramAtmuDu
khalulakeTlunDunO kAnamu itaDu ||
He is the Supreme Brahman for all Brahmas. He is the great lord of lords. He is the Supreme conciousness of all beings on the earth. It is not possible to know what sinners think of him.
C 3 |
vEdambulalO vEdAnta vEdyuDu
SOdhinchina karigAchuchO Adimoolamu
eedeSa Sri vEnkaTESuDindariki
gAdili matulanu gaikonaDitaDu ||
He can only be comprehended by Vedas and Upanishads. He is the primordial God who rescued Gajendra. Sri Venkatesa does not favour the ignorant non-believers.